You can still see my total love of my ScorPal too.. :)
Ok... thanks for stopping by! I am off to bed... the pep rally today went SO well.. I will share some pictures this weekend. Morgans team won tonight and he had a great game too! I am heading back to the dr. tomorrow, my throat is still hurting and the meds should have kicked in by now and kicked this strep's butt and it hasn't...
later gators! :)
Cute, Cute cards!!! You make me want to pull out my Scor-Pal and experiment with it! ;)
Oh Kim!! I love those cards!! They're so pretty & fun!
I so love that first one, what a neat combination and I am so a fan of my Scor-Pal and my Core'dinations too.
Teh first card is my nice :-)
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