
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

First Day of School

Well I made it and so did they!!
When I woke up this morning around 6am... I looked into Makenna's room and she was awake... and she is NEVER awake early! LOL I creeped in there and asked if she was excited, needless to say she was pretty giddy.
The tears started the last night. I was going to check in on all the short ones before I went to bed and just starting crying... I mean once they start there is no turning back! :(
Anywho... got everyone up and running this morning. We headed off to school with pancake filled bellies and everyone was excited. Matthew was NERVOUS though... chewing his lip the whole time. Here's a picture of him that basically sums up his morning...I love the one of him chatting with Jay before going into the time I went in to have lunch with them he was totally okay and loving it!

Madison was SO super cute this morning with her new haircut, she wanted it all flipped out on the sides... I think we pretty much nailed that for her! Look how darn cute she is... growing up WAY too fast too!!! grrrr....

And here is my other beautiful daughter... she practically skipped out of the house. She was totally in her element, no fear what-so-ever I swear it! (somehow I jacked up her picture... I'll play to make it better later, here is what I have right now) :)
Mitchell looked so darn handsome on his first day of 4th grade. He was excited to get back to school and see his friends and to get to do more work. That kid is so smart it's scary!
And then there's Morgan... the oldest at 11. He started Middle School this year. He didn't act nervous at all, but then why would he right? He's a cool middle schooler now and Morgan rarely gets nervous for much. I'm SO proud of him this year... *caution, major child bragging fixing to go on here!* he is in the Self Contained GATE (Gifted and Talented Educ) part of his middle school. Only the top 6% of the kids tested get into these schools!!! So he is in class all day with other GATE students, only going into general population for his lunch and electives. Did I mention I am so proud of him??
He's growing his hair out long... so as much as it made me mental at first I'm actually growing to like it. Plus I figure I need to choose my battles, his hair isn't one of them! LOL
So all in all it was a good day... and I managed to keep myself busy!


Anonymous said...

oh MY GOODNESS....I don't know if i would cry or be happy or what to feel either....WOW! You sure did make it Girl, they all look so wonderful...the Girls are beauties and your boys look so grown up and handsome!!!!!!!!!!! You have to be such a proud Mommy....and I love that flippy do, totally cool!!! I Hope they all have a wonderful year =)))))

lacintha said...

Wow...looks and brains!!!!
The Moreno's are gorgeous, Bums!!!
And you should def. be one proud Momma!!!

Sue said...

look at your adorable kiddos!! the youngest looks so apprehensive, my heart almost breaks for him! My middle grandson started kindergarten and he was the same way, only he fell and skinned his face and nose up right before the bus picked him up :(

Anna Zalamea said... cute, Kim! I love those pics -- you captured their feelings so well on camera :) And you should be so proud of them, although I could understand all the tears. :)

Kelly Sullivan said...

awww Kim, how on earth did you get such a fabulous photo of all FIVE kids??? I can't even get a good pic of my THREE! Enjoy your freedom while it lasts!