Over at Noel Mignon we are having a Santa's Workshop!! There are SO SO SO many great ideas that will be going up all month in the forum from the fabulous design team members... check it out! (Click on the blinkie and it will take you right to the thread!)
here is a project I did using Noel's "Dear Santa" kit last week for the "Wrapping Room": (be gentle on me... I'm not much of an alter-er) lol

For more detail shots and instructions head on over to the forums!
Well we spent the day out of town for Morgan's basketball tournament... they took 1st! The teams that played against them didn't even score 5 points each game... we totally whooped butt! :)
Update on the keys... as much as I thought they would turn up once I had the new set in my hands and the cc had been ran... it hasn't been the case. As far as the new keys I am so nervous to even let them out of my sight (I'm sure it will pass, quickly) I am considering stapling them to my hip. ha! Naw... I did go and get Madisons "I Love Cheerleading" big 'ol lanyard and put them on there... now I personally am not, nor will I ever be a cheerleader but if it helps to keep track of those bad boys then rah! rah! rah! LOL
Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!!
Kim... what a beautiful frame and card. I just love them and your blog is terrific. I don't know how I've missed it. I'm a big blog follower. (Maybe too much.)
Any hoooo... you're very talented and I don't know how you find the time to craft. Please tell me your secrets!
Oh... don't feel too bad about your keys. We just had one of our cars worked on (it was in the shop for a month) and it was $900 smackeroos. Very bad anytime of year, but extra bad right now. Hey... at least we were able to have it repaired. We are blessed with two jobs and good health and a happy life.
Please visit my blog if you have time. Thanks!
Have a great Christmas!
This is gorgeous Kim! Love it! Yeah keep those keys close to you!
Yep, these are wonderful! Can't beat neat Christmas creations.
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