Stopping by to share my October Gossamer Blue projects for the month.... this kit was SO very jam packed and I was so saddened that I had hardly any days whatsoever in September to work with this kit... every single extra minute was spent up at the flower shop making Homecoming Mums... well Homecoming has finally come and gone and I used the extra money I made to buy me one of these babies....

I'm a happy girl!! :)
I'm giddy I can use it to cut the really cool Lori Whitlock svg files that are in each Gossamer Blue kit! I'm pretty excited about this little new baby of mine! :)
Here are the layouts that I made using the October Gossamer Blue kit...
First up is pretty self explanatory... this was all the kids first day of school last year... Morgan a Sophomore, Madison a Freshman, Mitchell in 8th, and the twins in 4th grade! whew!
I just love the pictures for this layout... these pictures were taken on two different nights right after one of our dogs was hit up on the highway and killed :(.... Matthew was having such a hard time and so Madison curled up with him in bed and held him till he fell asleep. How sweet is that? That's one of those "damn I can't be screwing them up that bad" moments sometimes this momma has! LOL
This one is just some photos I had from the day Morgan was invited into the Beta club at school.... proud day for this momma for sure! I love the picture with his classmates Shelbi and Cassidy most... these three are a pretty close group of friends and I'm glad he will have these pictures to look back through over the years.
Well that concludes my October Gossamer Blue kit projects! LOL
We are busy as ever here with Makenna playing volleyball, Matthew playing soccer and also playing for a traveling soccer team, Morgan will start a new job tomorrow and we are busy on the look for a car for him, Madison is busy with marching band and cheer, then Mitchell is running cross country- playing football- and marching in the band on the drumline with Madison. It's forever non stop around here... oh and did I mention we drive an hr away each week for gymnastics for the girls... damn I'm just tired typing all that! LOL
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!! Go check out the Gossamer Blue kits... I just recieved my November kit yesterday and have it spread all over my table and I"m ready to dive in... seriously one of the prettiest kits I have ever seen! :)
thanks for stopping by! :)