
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Madison is officially a TEENAGER!!

oh man... I can hardly believe that this sweet girl right here is now an official teenager! She is grown up so much just in the past 6 months it's unreal! She is thrilled that she can now wear makeup that is for sure! Even though she is much like her momma and hardlly wears any, she is fortunate enough to have such natural beauty! (not so much like her momma there! ha!) Here are a few pictures from her pool party we had on Saturday... then scroll down and I will tell ya where exactly I was 13 years ago yesterday... it's a doozie! :)
my sweet Madison...

Here we are together and then this is the food table... we went very simple this year with everything, the main thing Madi wanted was just her friends over to have a good time! We had so much fun at my friend Jens house and her pool!

Here are all the girls trying their best to all fit on the slide!

Here are several of the girls in the pool! Yes there were lots of boys here too but they aren't an willing to pose for pictures as the girls were! go figure! lol

Last up a shot of Madi and Grandle with the sweet present he got her.

Now for my oh so fun story of Madisons birth... ready?

Madison was delivered in my moms front yard with my mom and husband delivering her! yep! you got it... I can't do anything simple it seems! hehe

It was the middle of summer in Texas and our AC went out at the house and they couldn't come and get to us for a day or so... we decided to head to my moms house until it could be fixed. Not a chance this fat preggo was hanging out in a hot house, nope.

That night I took some Castor Oil (yes I did... did it with the first and it worked like a charm, so I did it with the 2nd too) and within hours I was in labor. We were watching the NBA finals (I think?) and I would have contractions every couple minutes and finaly I told mom about them, she said on her way to bed "ok just wake me up if you head to the hospital". **she is a nurse who usually works night shifts, so she was pooped and ready for bed*

About midnight I tell Jay we need to go to the hospital, I wake mom up to let her know that Morgan is asleep upstairs.

We get to the hospital and they hook me all up to everything to record contractions. I have a pretty high pain tolerance and after a bit the brilliant doctor decides to send me home on muscle relaxers with a "I'm sure you will have her within 24 hours, go on home"... well no sh*t sherlock I will... I knew the contractions were getting stronger, tried to tell him that as well.. but what do I know I'm just trying to give birth, he's gone to college for this stuff right? grrr
I had to be wheeled out of the ER, stopping every few minutes for contractions....

I was at a 3 at 1:48am when I left.

We drove home while I was still contracting... Jay not knowing how much pain I was in went threw the Taco Cabana drive thru.. anywho... we get to my moms house and as soon as the door opens I start crying. My mom looks at Jay knowing I'm not much of a cryer like "WTH are you doing with her here? She is in pain!"... Jay was dumbfounded.. hehe

I got up the stairs to check on Morgan and walk back down, go outside, lean over the truck with my mom standing next to me and then tell her "Um mom... my water just broke and her heads bw my legs"... sigh talk about excitement!
I'll spare you the gory details (although they are hilarious!)... Mom brought me down to the ground and within 2 pushes Madison made her grand entrance. Right there at 2:37am (thanks Jay for looking at your watch!) in the front yard of my moms house!

do the math: 1:48 leave hospital at a 3, 2:37am Madison laying on my stomach! YIKES!!
There are so many things that could have gone wrong this night and I just thank God that he was watching over us and it all went smooth... did I mention her cord was wrapped twice around her neck too?
yes drama... but today she is a happy, healthly, beautiful THIRTEEN year old girl!!

Also wanted to ask everyone to keep my older three babies in your prayers, they left today for 6 days on a mission trip with the church... this is my first time to have them away from me and I am one very nervous momma! I know they will learn so many life lessons on this trip and I hope they have a blast! Please keep them and their group in your prayers!

I'll be back to share more crafts this week!!
Thanks for stopping by!


BabyBokChoy said...

All this time reading your blog now, I must say that photo of your and your DD together is so touching. :) And thanks for sharing your lovely birth story with us, pretty funny, now :)

laura vegas said...

happy birthday madison! looks like a fun party! but that was a doozy of a birth story kim! lol! that is crazy that they sent you home, when she was coming so fast! my youngest came in a big rush ... by the time we got to the hospital, she came out 15 minutes later. she turns 11 this weekend!

dstandard said...

Awesome pictures - going to steal some of these! Yep best story in the world!